Thursday, January 20, 2011

Littell's Interesting Truffle Reference

Have you used a truffle in your writing reference lately? Is your friend or lover like a truffle? How so?

The ancient Tactfijs was the wild red truffle of Italy; but the Romans also got the white truffle, called the Lybian, from Africa. Pliny believed truffles to be a mere excrescence of the earth, and related an anecdote of a Carthaginian governor who fbund a coin in the centre of one; but doubtless, the fungus grew over the coin, and thus enclosed it. In Athens (after the people had become corrupted by luxury) the freedom of citizens was given to the children of one Cherips, because their father had invented a new ragout of truffles. As these fungi never appeared over ground, it would not bo possible to discover them but for their strong odor, which is particularly powerful just before thunder, when the air is filled with moisture, from which circumstance the country people, in some places, call them " thunder roots."

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